Innovation and Technology Scholarship

To provide students with opportunities of widening international/Mainland exposure and gaining industry experience

No. of Awards

25 (for 11 participating universities)


Each Award Amount / Major Coverages
      • Up to HK$150,000 for (1) Overseas / Mainland Attachment Programme, (2) Local Internship Programme, and (3) Ideation and Achievements Showcase
      • Mentorship Programme
      • Service Project Programme
Eligibility & Selection Criteria
      • Hong Kong permanent residents
      • Full-time, non-final year undergraduates undertaking any degree
      • Academic excellence
      • Passion and intention to pursue career in innovation and technology fields, and with innovative ideas in any one of the “InnoTech Areas”: Life and Health Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Advanced Manufacturing, Sustainability and Green Technology, Business and Financial Technology and Multidisciplinary Technology and Others
      • Satisfactory result in English test
      • Well-rounded and having participated in extra-curricular activities and/ or community service
      • Willing to serve the community and strong commitment to Hong Kong
      • Good communication skills
Application Deadline


Official Website

The above scholarship information is for reference only.  Applicants should gather and check the latest information during the application period.